- The ability of device to show the image clearly with lot of details.
- It defines the quality to be determine or resolute.
Different Measurement Resolution:
- Display resolution
- Audio resolution
- Optical resolution
- Angular resolution
- Spectral resolution
- Sensor resolution
- Spectrometer resolution
- Image resolution
Image Resolution:
- It defines the sharpness and clarity of an image.
- It applies to the digital images, film images and other type of images.
- Higher the resolution means more image clarity.
Resolution of Digital Images:
- The resolution of digital cameras can be described in many different ways.
2. Spatial resolution
3. Spectral resolution
4. Temporal resolution
5. Radiometric resolution
1. Pixel Resolution:
- It refers the total number of pixels in an image.
- Pixel resolution mainly depends on two factors.
- One is width of picture and two is height of picture.
- Higher the pixel resolution then higher the quality of the image.
- We can calculate megapixels of camera.
- The size of image can be calculated.
Calculating megapixel of an camera:
Lets say we have an image of dimension: 2500 X 3192.
Its pixel resolution = 2500 * 3192 = 7982350 bytes.
Dividing it by 1 million = 7.9 = 8 mega pixel (approximately).
2. Spatial Resolution:
- It defines number of independent pixels values per inch
- The clarity of the image is decided by its Spatial resolution, not the number of pixels in a image.
Measuring Spatial resolution:
Dots per inch: It is usually used in Monitors.
Lines per inch: It is usually used in Laser Printers.
Pixel per inch: It is usually used in Tablets, Mobiles.
3. Spectral Resolution:
- It is the ability to resolve spectral features and bands into their separate components.
- Multi-spectral images have higher spectral resolution than normal color images.
4. Temporal Resolution:
- It refers to the precision of measurement with respect to time.
- A standard video camera records 30 frames per second.
- High-speed video camera records 10000 frames per second.
5. Radiometric Resolution:
- It refers the the number of divisions of bit depth in data collected by a sensor.
- Radiometric resolution of sensor is more sensitive it is to detecting small differences in reflected or emitted energy.
- We can remove the unwanted objects then get clear image.
- Look quality image.
- It takes more memory.
My notes images: