
  • The quality of being clear enough to read.
  • It measures the distinguish one letter from another in a font-family.

Importance of Legibility:
  • Different typefaces are designed for different uses. For example the original Garamond was designed to be highly legible when printed in large body of text. 
Few things to remember concerning a typeface's legibility.

Display vs Text:

  • Some typefaces were designed to be used large such as in headlines.
  • Usually these typefaces are less readable at smaller size and should not be used for body copy. These are called as display faces.

  • Other typefaces are used in large area of smaller size. These are called body face or text.

Serif vs Sans Serif:

  • Serif faces have always been regarded as more legible. So almost it is used in print for larger passage of text.
  • Sans Serif faces are less legible compare to Serif face. It used for body text. So it is used in screens

  • It is applies to using type at body text sizes.
  • The X-height is well the measurement of height of the lowercase "x" in a given font.
  • When used small typefaces with larger X-heights are more readable.

Rules for Legibility:
  • Choose medium weight font.
  • Give text a comfortable size and column width.
  • make type decisions invisible.

Factors affecting Legibility:

  • Type size
  • Type weight
  • Line length
  • Letter spacing
  • Word spacing
  • Line spacing
  • Contrast between type and background.

  • Increase the quality of text.
  • Good looking.

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