- Aliasing is the generation of false frequency along with the correct one when doing frequency sampling.
- For images, it produces a jagged edge.
- For sounds, it produces a buzz.
- It is smoothing of image or sound roughness caused by aliasing.
- In images, adjusting pixel intensity we can eliminate the aliasing.
- In sounds, aliases are removed by eliminating the frequencies above half the sampling frequencies.
Methods of Anti-Aliasing:
- Increase the sampling rate. For that we use MSAA, SSAA and Custom modes like EQAA and CSAA.
- Blur the edges or contrasts. For that we use MLAA, FXAA and SMAA. It is also called Post Anti-Aliasing.
- First type of AA introduced.
- Mostly used on photo-realistic images.
- Not used in games anymore.
- Resource usage is very high.
2. MSAA (Multisample Anti-Aliasing) :
- It is similar to SSAA but it refers to specific optimization of SSAA.
- That evaluates the fragment program once per pixel. Which means that MSAA snipes those pixels.
- There are 2x, 4x, 8x or 16x MSAA.
- It slower the system.
3. CSAA (Coverage Sample AA):
- It is created by Nvidia.
- It produces anti-aliased images that rival quality of 8x or 16x MSAA.
- CSAA made up with the intention to increase the quality of MSAA.
4. EQAA (Enhanced Quality AA):
- It was introduced by AMD. It was created with the same intention of CSAA to increase the quality of MSAA.
- It consumed the same amount of video memory as like MSAA.
- These are Post Anti-Aliasing modes, it use blur filters.
- FXAA consumes less power than other Anti-Aliasing methodes.
- One of the advantages was that it smooths edges in all pixels on the screen, includes pixels presents inside alpha blended textures and resulting from pixel shader effects.
- Then it increase the quality of MSAA.
6. SMAA (Subpixel Morphological AA):
- It is based on the Post-AA blur filter of MLAA.
- The SMAA is very cheap compare to MSAA.
- It smoothes alpha tecture and greatly reduces the visible jaggies, but it doesn't blur the image as good.
7. TXAA (Temporal AA) :
- It is a very complex form of AA.
- it is not a Post-AA although it still blurs because of down sampling method used.
- It takes lower consumption of power and best visual performance.
- It used at high resolutions(4k or higher).