
  • Modem are used for data transfer from one computer to another computer network through telephone lines.
  • Modem is abbreviation for modulator and demodulator.
  • It is a hardware device that connects a computer or router or a broadband network.
  • The first modem known as Dataphone was first released by AT&T in 1960.

  • Modulator converts the information from digital mode to analog mode at the transmitting end.
  • Demodulator converts the analog to digital at receiving end.
  • When an analog facility is used for data communication between two digital devices called data terminal equipment (DTE), modems are used at each end. DTE can be a terminal or computer.

Types of Computer Modems:

1. Onboard Modem:
  • Modem built onto the computer mother board.
  • These modems can't be removed, but can be disabled through a Jumper or CMOS setup.

2. Internal Modems:
  • Modem that connect to a PCI slot inside a newer desktop computer or ISA slot on an older computer.

3. External Modem:
  • Modem with in a box that connects to the computer externally, usually serial port or USB port.

4. Removable Modems:
  • Modem used with older laptops PCMCIA slot can be added or removed as needed.

Speed of Modems:
  • Modem speed is measured bps and kbps.
  • Which is the speed modem can send and receive data.
  • Auto answer:  Modems ability to automatically answer the phone after the phone rings a set amount of times.
  • Data/voice:  Modems with voice capability that can switch between a voice and data communication.
  • Fax:  Fax modems can send and receive a fax with proper software.
  • V-90:  The standard that the modem uses also allows it to communicate at an optimal speed.
  • It converts the digital to analog signal and vice versa.
  • Not expensive.
  • Access the internet.
  • Higher transmission speed.
  • External modem does not allow you mobility with laptop but it does provide faster connection and less power uptake.
  • Internal modem allow you mobility to use wire less internet at hotspot but connection is slower and power uptake greater.
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