- Print designers have been working on grid since the first newspapers rolled off the presses hundreds of years ago.
- Most magazines also employ a grid, books are put together using the grid format.
- The grid can be part of publications identity and helps create a sense of space and organization.
- Grid design is used in print publications and to develop advertisements.
- The grid design is used as a guide for how to place text, photos and advertisement on the page.
- Gutter:
- The gutter is the space between columns.
- In print design, columns and gutter have consistent width, the space between each column is one to two picas (Picas = 0.1667 inches).
- Column inch:
- When measuring news or advertising space in newspapers and magazines editors will often refer to column inches.
- One column inch is one inch of vertical space by one column wide.
- The number of words that fit in a column inch varies by font and the grid a publication uses.
- Modular grid:
- A modular grid uses less of vertical column format and allows designers to text and images in rectangles.
Vertical grid:
- One of the most recognizable uses of the vertical grid in print design today is employed by wall street jornal.
- This newspaper uses a distinct six column grid in its daily design that has become part of its brand identity.
Develop a grid template:
- Develop a grid for your publication can be done in just a few minutes using built in software tools.
- For that "Adobe InDesign" will allow you to create a grid template that can be used for your projects.
My notes images: