- The "File Transfer Protocol (FTP)" is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files between a client and server on a computer network.
- FTP is built on a client-server model architecture and uses separate control and data connections between the client and server.
Establish an FTP from the CMD Prompt:
- Use the "Windows key + R" , pop up window will be open.
- Type "cmd" & click "OK".
- A command prompt will appear in a new window.
- Type "ftp <insert your FTP host address here>".
- Press "Enter".
- If the initial connection is successful, you should be prompted for a username, type it in and press "Enter".
- For security reasons, you will not able to see your password as you type it.
- If connecting anonymously, use your email address as the password.
- If all is well, then you should now be connected to the remote FTP site.
- Type "dir" and then press "Enter" to see a list of files and folders.
- To end your FTP session, type "quit" and press "Enter".
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