- A disturbance of energy that travels through a medium from one location to another location.
- The highest point on the wave is called crest or peak.
- The lowest point is called trough.
- The peak of a wave and trough of a wave are always twice the wave's amplitude apart from each other.
- Wave transport energy and not matter.
- Reflection
- Interference
- Absorption
- Refraction
- Diffraction
- Polarization
- Dispersion
Type of Waves:
- Electromagnetic waves
- Mechanical waves
Electromagnetic Waves:
- It does not require a medium for travelling wave.
- The wave transmitting its energy through an empty or vacuum.
- Electromagnetic waves are caused because of varying magnetic and electric fields.
- It produce vibration of charged particle
Ex: Light, radio, micro waves.
Mechanical Waves:
- It transmit the energy through the medium.
- It is 3 types.
1. Transverse Waves:
- It is occur when a disturbance creates oscillation perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer.
- The electromagnetic radiations are transverse waves which also include light waves.
Ex: Water waves, S waves.
2. Longitudinal Waves:
- It is occur when oscillations are parallel to the direction of propagation.
Ex: Sound waves, P waves.
3. Surface Waves:
- Particle travel in a circular motion.
- These waves occur at interfaces.
Ex: Ocean waves.
- Renewable.
- Environment Friendly.
- Not require wires to transmit information.
- Sometimes energy will be lossed.