Purchase IP blocks

  • Two most common version of IP in use today are IPv4 and (IPv6), both the address come from finite pools of numbers.
  • For IPv4, this pool is 32 bits (2^32) in size and contains 4,294,967,296 IPv4 addresses.
  • The IPv6 address space is 128 bits (2^128) in size containing 340,286,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 IPv6 addresses.
  • Not every address in the IPv4 and IPv6  pool can be assigned to the machines and devices used to access the internet, some IP addresses have been reserved for other uses, such as for use in private networks.
IP block:
  • IP address are assigned to networks in different sized "block".
  • The size of the block assigned is written after an oblique (/), which shows the number of IP addresses contained in that block.
  • For example, if an ISP is assigned a "/16", they receive around 64,000 IPv4 addresses.
Purchase IP block:
  • Some large /8 blocks of IPv4 addresses, the former blocks, are assigned in whole organization or related groups of organizations, either by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), through the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), or Regional Internet Registry.
  • Each /8 blocks contains 16,777,216 addresses.
  • The Regional Internet Registries (RIR) allocate IPs within a particular region of the world.
  • There are 5 Regional Internet Registries.

1. AfriNIC (African Network Information Center):
  • IPv4 fees are set based on the minimum allocation size which is a /22. LIR Members categories will be organised in 7 categories according to the size of their allocation. The maximum allocation size at AFRINIC is /10.
IPv4 fees and category:
Allocation Size
No. of IP Addresses
(Annual) USD
Alocation fees USD
Extra Small /22 - < /20 1024 - 4095 $1,400 $1,750
Very Small >=/20 - < /18 4096 - 16383 $2,200 $2,000
Small >=/18 - < /16 16384 – 65535 $6,400 $2,500
Medium >=/16 - < /14 65536 - 262143 $12,800 $4,000
Large >=/14 - < /12 262144 - 1048575 $22,500 $6,500
Very large >=/12 - < /10 1048576 - 4194303 $30,000 $8,000
Extra large >=/10 ≥ 4194304 $38,400 $10,000
IPv6 fees and category:
Prefix Size
Allocation fee
Membership (Annual)
End Sites
Membership (Annual)
Small /32 $2,500 $2,500
Large > /32 $20,000 $20,000
PI (EU) /48 $2,500 $100
2. APNIC (Asia-Pacific Network Information Center):
  • All new and existing APNIC Members who meet the current policy criteria may receive a minimum of a /24 up to a maximum total of a /21 (2,048) of IPv4 addresses.
New membership receiving the following resources
Setup fee
(one time)
Annual fee
(paid in advance)
/24 (256 addresses) /48 1 500 AUD 1,050 AUD
/23 (512 addresses) /48 1 500 AUD 1,373 AUD
/22 (1,024 addresses) /32 1 500 AUD 1,796 AUD
/21 (2,048 addresses) /32 1 500 AUD 2,350 AUD
3. ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers):
Service Category
IPv4 Block Size
IPv6 Block Size
3X-Small $250 /24 or smaller /40 or smaller
2X-Small $500 Larger than /24,
up to and including /22
Larger than /40,
up to and including /36
X-Small $1,000 Larger than /22,
up to and including /20
Larger than /36,
up to and including /32
Small $2,000 Larger than /20,
up to and including /18
Larger than /32,
up to and including /28
Medium $4,000 Larger than /18,
up to and including /16
Larger than /28,
up to and including /24
Large $8,000 Larger than /16,
up to and including /14
Larger than /24,
up to and including /20
X-Large $16,000 Larger than /14,
up to and including /12
Larger than /20,
up to and including /16
2X-Large $32,000 Larger than /12,
up to and including /10
Larger than /16,
up to and including /12
3X-Large $64,000 Larger than /10,
up to and including /8
Larger than /12,
up to and including /8
4X-Large $128,000 Larger than /8,
up to and including /6
Larger than /8,
up to and including /4
5X-Large $256,000 Larger than /6 Larger than /4
4. LACNIC (Latin American and Caribbean Network Information Center):
IPv4 Resource Prefix
IPv6 Resource Prefix
Initial Fee USD
Renewal Fee USD
Payment before expiration (*)
Payment 30 days after expiration (**)
Small/Micro Smaller than a/20 Non-existent 1.000 1.000 900 1.100
Small Greater than or equal to a /20 up to and incluiding a /19 Up to and incluiding a /32 2.100 2.100 1.890 2.310
Medium Greater than /19 and smaller than a /16 Greater than a /32 and smaller than a /30 5.700 5.700 5.130 6.270
Large Greater than or equal to a /16 and smaller than a /14 Greater than or equal to a /30 and smaller than a /28 14.000 14.000 12.600 15.400
Extra-Large Greater than or equal to a /14 and smaller than a /11 Greater than or equal to a /28 smaller than a /26 28.000 28.000 25.200 30.800
Mayor Greater than or equal to a /11 Greater than or equal to a /26 40.000 40.000 36.000 44.000
5. RIPENCC (Reseaux IP Europeens Network coordination Center):
Fee per LIR 1,800 + 50 per PI assignment 1,750 + 50 per PI assignment 1,600 + 50 per PI assignment 1,400 + 50 per PI assignment
Sign-up fee

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