Internet Protocol

  • The IP is the method or  protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another computer on internet.
  • Each computer on the internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computers on the internet.
  • IP or IP address is a number used to indicate the location of computer or other device on a network using TCP/IP.

Types of IP address:

  • Static IP address:  If a site has its own IP address and shares with no one else it is called static IP address.
  • Shared IP address:  Using more than one site on an IP address is called shared IP address.

Classes of IP address:

  • Class A:  Address range from to and supports 16 million hosts on each of 127 networks.
  • Class B:  Address range from to and supports 65000 hosts on each of 16000 networks.
  • Class C:  Address range from to and supports 254 hosts on each of 2 million networks.
  • Class D:  Address range from to and supports reserved for multicast groups.
  • Class E:  Address range from to and supports reserved for future use, or research and development purposes.

Types of Internet Protocol:

  • Include in the email protocol are three distinct protocols.
  • SMTP, IMAP, and POP3.
  • SMTP is a protocol used for sending mail.
  • IMAP and POP3 are used for receiving.

File Transfer Protocol:
  • It is transferring a file from one computer to another.
  • It is commonly used for uploading a web page to a web server so that it may be seen on the World Wide Web.

  • Its stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
  • It is the protocol used by web sever to allow web page to shown in a web browser.

  • Its stands for Network News Transfer Protocol.
  • It is used for serving Usenet posts, Usenet is similar to the forums that many web sites have.


  • It is used for menu based program that enables you to browse for information without knowing where the material is located.

  • Telnet lets you log in to a remote computer just as you would if you were there.
  • So any commands that you would able to run from the remote computer.

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